It’s International Compost Awareness Week!

What is compost? 

Compost is decomposed organic matter. It is a nutrient-rich soil-improver. Compost can be made from any organic matter, such as banana peels, leftover fries and compostable packaging, like Vegware.  

Why should you celebrate compost?  

Compost is awesome.  

Healthy soil is at the heart of agriculture. Intensive farming can deplete the soil of nutrients and damage the soil structure. Compost has a critical role in preserving soil condition and reversing this, returning vital nutrients to the ground and enhancing soil structure.  

It’s one of the most important assets we have in securing sustainable agriculture to feed future generations. And there’s huge potential to make more, use more and protect our natural resources. 

Celebrate compost on your channels 

We’re celebrating International Compost Awareness Week, May 2-8, on our Instagram page.

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