Airports Going Green Conference 2019

The annual Airports Going Green Conference, November 3-6, demonstrates methods for integrating sustainable systems across airports. The conference, held at the Westin River North Hotel in Chicago, Illinois, centered around all aspects of sustainable airport terminals, with workshops, panels, and networking sessions from global industry experts.

Compostable Vegware On-The-Go

Conference attendees were constantly on the move, taking in the various events and networking. Vegware catering disposables were used alongside reusables, to allow conference-goers to enjoy the hotel’s catering on the go. A conference this large can generate over 60 lbs of waste daily, but by using plant-based Vegware this can be composted locally after use.  In 2018, we helped them create 159lbs of compost for farmers’ fields. To read more about last year’s results, click here. This year, the AGG waste team hoped to capture even more post-consumer food waste.

Repurposing Food Waste

The AGG waste team grouped food waste into two categories: food scraps and unused food. Food scraps are no longer suitable for human consumption. Together with used Vegware, food scraps were placed in food recycling bins. In under 12 weeks, the used Vegware and food scraps were commercially composted to create a nutrient-rich compost to help plants grow.

In 2018, the equivalent of 163 plates of unused food still safe for human consumption was delivered to food shelters and soup kitchens by Goodr using donated Vegware containers after the AGG conference. This year, with careful planning there was no surplus, saving food and energy resources.

A little bit of effort goes a long way

At the end of the conference, Waste Management reported that a grand total of 453 lbs of food waste and used Vegware was successfully diverted to compost. Waste Management Account Manager Laura Blunk was pleased with the results, “Congratulations! It’s an amazing accomplishment and just goes to show how a little bit of effort goes a long way.”

By using compostable products and clearly labeled recycling and food waste bins, waste from conference attendees can contribute to the local circular economy. In 2019, the AGG waste team again demonstrated that it is possible to integrate zero-waste systems into conferences and events.