Go Bears! Vegware supports Cal’s Pac–12 Zero Waste Bowl

California Memorial Stadium hosts the Pac-12 Zero Waste Bowl this Saturday October 21st. And Vegware is proud to support with our eco disposables.

Vegware’s compostable serviceware will be used throughout the luxury suites this Saturday. All our foodservice cups, cutlery, plates, bowls and containers are made from plants, not plastic. After the game, off it goes for composting together with food scraps, to help feed American soil and nurture future generations of plants.

The California Golden Bears host the Arizona Wildcats. And here’s the film that fans will see on the stadium video board!

Let’s Protect Bear Territory! Cal Zero Waste is leading great green partnerships to protect the planet too. UC Berkeley is all about sustainability, and Vegware is so proud to be supporting this fantastic initiative.

What’s the Pac-12 Zero Waste Bowl?

It’s a fun challenge where Pac-12 universities compete to divert the most waste from landfill at a selected home game.

In addition to overall waste diversion rate, the universities are scored on innovation, partnership and participation, and fan engagement. We love what UC Berkeley is doing!

If you’re on twitter, follow @CalAthletics #AZvsCAL and of course @CalZeroWaste! Follow the game live on Pac-12 Networks and KGO 810 AM.

Cal 💚 Zero Waste

Want to know how crazy UC Berkeley is about zero waste? Here’s a film about the Recyclemania Game Day Recycling Challenge 2015 – what amazing engagement throughout the Cal community!

Vegware is also delighted to support the UC Berkeley’s Chou Hall Zero Waste Project. We’ll write more about that soon!